Looking Inward, Living Outward Prayer Retreat

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St. Mark’s Weekly E-blast

We gather, connect, and serve so all may experience the love of Christ.

August 21, 2024

Rev. Lynn Bartlow, Lead Pastor

When I look back over my life, there are people who have made a lasting impact. Bruce, who taught me all I know about video editing and who shared his life with me as we met weekly to edit videos. Mrs. Mary, a volunteer who gave me a voice and leadership in my church youth group. Madison, my youth director who encouraged me in my call to ministry. Lauren and Misty and Brooke, pastors I have officially been mentors for in their own ordination process but who also taught me much about my own ministry. 

One of the people whose voice resides in my head is that of Daniel Wolpert. Dan was on the faculty of the Academy for Spiritual Formation one of the years that I attended, and he made a great impact on me. He’s been my Spiritual Director for many years now, meeting with me on zoom before it was a pandemic staple! He has challenged me, affirmed me, listened to me, and taught me, and I am a better person because of him. 

I am excited, then, to invite you to learn from him as well. Dan is a man of deep faith, who connects faith to the world around him in a unique way. A research scientist, a farmer, a teacher, a construction worker, Dan has led a varied life! He has led churches, founded the Minnesota Institute of Contemplation and Healing, and does spiritual direction and healing work in his private practice. He recently returned with his wife from a kayaking trip to Glacier Bay. 

Dan will be here in Tucson for a one-day retreat style workshop, held at St. Paul’s UMC. Through a rhythm of presentation, invitation to practice, and reflective conversation Dan will introduce us to the four spiritual stages of his new book: Preparing the Ground, Growing Relationships, Sharing the Abundance, Nourishing the World. After this retreat rhythm in the morning, we invite you to join us for lunch and a more informal Q&A about Daniel’s presentation and/or other works. His book will be available if you want to purchase it, but it’s completely optional.

Won’t you consider joining us? More information can be found here: 

LINK to Prayer Retreat

See you soon,

Pastor Lynn