Music at St. Mark's

St. Mark’s takes great pride in the diversity of music we offer the community.

Traditional Worship
Traditional Worship

On the Magee Campus, two choirs lead worship in our two traditional services from September to May. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings, and all are welcome. The Bells of St. Mark’s, our bell choir, plays monthly during the season as well. A summer choir and soloists lead us during the summer. 

Modern Worship
Modern Worship

On the Sanctuary Campus, a praise band leads our music. Auditions are held for our volunteer positions.

To learn more about joining a choir or the Praise Band, contact us! 

Concert Series

We offer a diverse selection of concerts on Sunday afternoons that we welcome everyone to attend. While they are free, we do collect an offering that helps us to fund the next concerts. Sign up for email reminders of our concerts here.

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