Asking God’s Guidance to Do the Right Thing

Art and I are watching a series on our TV on Acorn in which one of the main female characters rarely takes responsibility for things that go awry on the family ranch that she runs. She’s always blaming someone else for cattle that get out of the pen, a broken water pump, a lost opportunity or trouble in a relationship. Sometimes Art and I look at each other and say, “Why doesn’t she just say, ‘I did that,’ or, ‘I wish I’d done that differently,’ or even, ‘I’m sorry’”? Over the series, we catch glimpses of her past hurts and other influences that have shaped her. And, I suppose there’d be fewer episodes of the show if she just did her part to settle the things that went wrong!

Over the years I’ve learned to ask God to help me get better at looking at myself and I still do this imperfectly. Every night before sleeping I review my day before God and say to God, “Forgive me for this or that. I wish I’d said or done this differently. Help me do better tomorrow.” Because I always have ways to grow, I believe I’m going to be doing this until I leave this life – asking God to forgive me and help me learn and grow as a follower of Jesus.

Part of this, too, is asking God to help me know what and how to change in the things I say or do. Lately, I’m finding myself asking God a lot, “Help me know how to lead people through this pandemic and these times of racial tension. Guide me in what to say or do. Show me your way.” Sometimes I just want to hit people over the head with the words I think are right and God says to me, “No, say this instead.”

We are in challenging, anxious, uncertain times with the pandemic, racial tension, fires, closed church buildings and upcoming elections. Right now we’re in the midst of a short series in worship on “Deadly Sins.” Although religious tradition often names seven deadly sins, we’re talking about this for just three weeks. Last week we talked about greed. This week’s focus is on “wrath.” Sounds fun, right?! It is fun, in a way, to have the chance to have God open our eyes and see how we can be better followers of Jesus.

Join us for worship at 9:45 a.m. on Sunday, 6/28, at, on St. Mark’s Facebook, or St. Mark’s Oro Valley on YouTube. Our church buildings continue to be closed. Our church, though, is open and active. This time is an opportunity for us to take stock of what truly matters in our lives and grow in our relationships with God and others.

Blessings, Sharon
