Pastor’s Blog

Rocket Fuel
April 24, 2020

Rocket Fuel

In my Wednesday, April 22, devotion I read “Giving thanks to God for sustaining us is like adding rocket fuel to our spiritual journey.” I started thinking about the power in rocket fuel, propelling people...

April 17, 2020


When we hit the “pause” button on most things at St. Mark’s back in mid-March, we didn’t know how long it would be before we hit the “play” button again.  Well, most things are still...

April 10, 2020


Darkness Morning has not yet arrived, so it is dark. I remember that today is Good Friday, the day we call “good” because Jesus offered himself so our burdens could be lifted and we could...

April 03, 2020


Palms Can you think of one word to describe our current times? Perhaps frightening or angering or lonely or opportunity or creativity? Our pastors and staff are mustering all their creativity to stay connected to...

Small Joys
March 27, 2020

Small Joys

Daily life certainly has changed recently, hasn’t it? This Sunday, March 29, is the fifth Sunday of Lent. It’s also a “Fifth Sunday” which usually means that there’s no Sunday School and all worship together...

Strange Time
March 20, 2020

Strange Time

It’s a strange time, isn’t it? I’ve been trying to think if there have been other times like this during my lifetime and can’t really think of anything quite like these times of staying away...

In a Time of Crisis
March 13, 2020

In a Time of Crisis

A long time ago, I took a class called Ministry in a Time of Crisis. Many concepts from that class stuck with me. In the last few days, two characteristics and two helpful responses to...

A Prayer for Health
March 06, 2020

A Prayer for Health

Colds…flu….sinus infections….headaches….more colds…this winter has been a challenging one for some in our family and in our church family. Just when it seemed like we were well, someone got a runny nose, sore throat and...

Leaping in Lent?
February 28, 2020

Leaping in Lent?

Have you ever wished there were things in your life that happened only every four years or not at all? I don’t have feelings like that about tomorrow’s “leap day” but it does give me...

In Love With God?
February 21, 2020

In Love With God?

The smells of the first moments of spring in the desert are whiffs of musky animal scents and moist earth with greening grasses and shoots not quite ready to bloom. Late afternoon yesterday (Thursday) I...