
I woke up this morning with grace on my mind. Grace is undeserved, unearned love that is showered upon us. Most often we think of God’s grace poured out on us, but as Jesus’ followers we have the chance to extend that grace to others, too.

This week was “meeting week” for many of our monthly committee meetings – Advisory Board, Staff Parish, Finance and Trustees, along with our usual weekly meetings of pastors, staff and the Genesis Team. When I woke up this morning with grace on my mind one of my first images was of several of those teams of people gathered on Zoom, laughing, sharing, working, asking questions, sometimes debating, making decisions … all the while extending grace to each other. Gratitude for our staff, leaders and other pastors is part of my daily thanksgiving. I’m smiling now as I think of all those who serve so faithfully.

We do have the chance to extend God’s grace to one another, to deal gently and compassionately in these very challenging times. Today, like many of you, I will remember just where I was 19 years ago when the tragic events of 9/11/2001 began to unfold. I will say a prayer of thanksgiving for those whose lives were lost and for peace for those left behind.
The tragedy of that day and many days since then has given us, as Jesus’ followers, many opportunities to try out our wings of grace … to seek justice and compassion, to be angry and not sin, to offer hope in the midst of pain.

Extending grace can be very challenging. At times I find it is only possible because of the undeserved love that God has poured out on me. When I remember and am grateful that Almighty God has given me life and breath and gifts and opportunities, then I can more easily offer grace to others.

Our times require us to challenge ourselves to remember God’s grace freely given to us. On Sunday, Sept. 13, I’m going to share in worship a personal witness about “Almighty God,” which is part of our “What Do These Words Mean?” series. I invite you to approach today – and tomorrow and the next day – with gratitude for all the Almighty One has offered you. And I will try to remember to do that, too.

