Join Us for Service Sunday!

We have 175 people signed up for our first Service Sunday. That’s fantastic news! We are addressing Priority No. 4 in our church’s stated priorities: “St. Mark’s United Methodist Church will become physically involved in mission and justice projects.” We will have St. Mark’s folks gardening, providing music at Mountain View, spending time in conversation with rehab residents, painting hopscotch at Nash Elementary, and preparing Manna Bags. Groups called Home Sweet Home Property Cleanup, Loads of Love Laundries, and Stay and Pray will do just what their titles say! Our youth make a “little free library” that will be installed where our mailbox used to be. (Did you know it’s now moved closer to the office and in line of sight of the security cameras?) We have a pet ministry project, a project writing notes, and I’m sure I’ve forgotten more!

We are excited for everyone who signed up to become physically involved in mission and justice projects. But we have more than 175 people at St. Mark’s. We don’t want to leave anyone out, so we will also offer worship at our usual times. It’s just not a “usual” worship!

At 8:30 a.m., we will have worship with scripture, prayers, and offering, plus singing some of our “old favorites.” At 9 a.m., the folks who are going out to serve will join us for a scripture, message, communion, and sending forth prayer. They will be dismissed by project, and the rest of us will cheer them on as they go to their morning’s work.

At 10 a.m., we will have our worship with scripture, prayers, offering, lots of singing, a message and communion. It will be livestreamed as usual, even if it doesn’t look like usual! No choirs, no robe, no organ – just lots of good people, good singing, and a good message!

Confused? Just show up at your usual worship time or at 9 if you signed up for a service project!

I’m excited for this Sunday. I’ve never been a part of something like this, but I’ve heard of many other churches that do “work-ship” or “Service Sunday,” with much enthusiasm and reward. It’s a great way for us all to be in service together in a way that we don’t usually volunteer, for a short-term project that will bless someone in our community or beyond. I’m grateful for Kathie Barrett, a Missions Committee member who has done lots of work to make this happen. Give her a big thank you when you see her!

In the meantime, come prepared on Sunday for your project, or see you for worship. We also would love your prayers for all who will serve and all who will be served. May we see Jesus in the faces of all the people that we meet!

See you soon,
Pastor Lynn


  • 8:30 a.m. Traditional service in Sanctuary and child care in Rm 15
  • 10 a.m. Traditional service in Sanctuary and child care in Rm 15
  • 10 a.m. Youth and children’s Sunday School and child care (except fifth Sundays)
  • 10 a.m. Livestream premieres on YouTube and Website

To access our livestream service:

  • From the main menu on our website click “Worship.”  -OR-
  • Go to YouTube and search for UMC St. Mark’s Oro Valley or use this link.
