Who We Are

Our church family is happy towelcome you to St. Mark’s.

St. Mark’s is a vibrant and diverse congregation of over 800 members, along with many regular attendees, including seasonal residents who join us during the winter months. In 2023, we merged with Sanctuary United Methodist Church, creating one congregation in two locations. 

Our community is a blend of different ages, ethnicities, backgrounds, and perspectives. While we may not agree on everything, we are united in our mission to “gather, connect, and serve so all may experience the love of Christ.” Since 1957, St. Mark’s has been a place of worship, growth, and service, rooted in the United Methodist tradition.

Worship at St. Mark’s makes the Biblical story come alive, with a shared theme across both campuses and unique sermons from different pastors. We observe the seasons of the church year, including Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, and Ordinary time.

Join us as we gather, connect, and serve together. Whether you’re dressed casually or more formally, arrive on time or a bit late, we welcome you just as you are!

“We gather, connect, and serve so all may experience the love of Christ.”
About United Methodists

In our United Methodist tradition we celebrate two sacraments – Holy Communion and Baptism. Sacraments bring the divine and ordinary together – through water or bread and cup – and draw us into the heart of God.

Methodism was born in the 1700s in England when John Wesley, an Anglican (Church of England) priest, noticed the church was absorbed in itself rather than helping people grow in faith and in caring for others.

He taught that a life of faith is like two arms of a cross – the vertical arm is like our personal relationship with God, connecting each of us to the grace of God. The horizontal arm is like our movement out into the world, caring for others as a result of receiving God’s grace, God’s love. Both arms are necessary for a strong life of Christian faith. Jesus’ love is shown to us through the cross – he was part of God and also became part of human life, showing us God’s way through his teaching, healing, and sacrificial love.

Why Be Part of St. Mark’s

At St. Mark’s, we believe we have something you are looking for, and want to include you. We are filled with joy, deeply rooted in the life and teachings of Jesus, open to questions and learning about our Christian faith, involved in making the world better. We are growing in many ways and want to include others in worship, ministries of all types, education, and service. Because of that, you will find us out in the community participating in community events, serving in a variety of places, and generally reaching out to include others.

The Christian Education ministries of St. Mark’s help us understand and grow in our faith and help equip us to serve God in the world.

Some people come to St. Mark’s with little or no background in the Bible or Christian faith, so we offer classes and programs that acquaint people and give them the basics. Others have studied before and are looking for long-term or in-depth classes, so we offer those, too.

Everyone can grow in ways of prayer, engage in conversation about questions of faith, and develop relationships with other Christians. Some classes and programs are specifically designed to orient people to needs in the community and world, and equip them to serve. People are always encouraged to bring their questions.

A Variety of Programs

At St. Mark’s, children, youth, and adults engage with Christian principles through interactive and engaging classes, where questions and dialogue are encouraged. We offer traditional worship services on one campus and modern worship on our other. We have membership care ministries, a prayer support team, health and wellness classes, and a Counselor-in-Residence.

Grow your faith through small groups, Bible studies, or other classes designed to enrich your spiritual journey. Our mission work extends locally, nationally, and internationally, offering opportunities to serve God, help others, and connect with your church family.

Learn more about our faith on the United Methodist Church website or join an Exploring Membership Class to consider becoming a member of St. Mark’s.