A Typical Day?

Most days begin for me with prayer, stretches for my legs and back, a cup of hot green tea and going through emails. Maybe you’ve wondered about “a day in the life” of your lead pastor during these pandemic times. Yes, I work mostly at home, but do stop in the office several days a week in the early mornings or late at night.

I usually spend some early morning time reading or writing or doing work on my sermons. Art and I usually go on a 2-4 mile hike or walk. Unless we get out very early, sometimes now we walk at Foothills Mall as it’s too hot outside for me. Then my days are filled with phone or Zoom meetings with leaders, staff or parishioners. Evening Zoom meetings happen for classes, committees and with individuals or families, too. Most days I work some on my sermon for the next Sunday. On Wednesday mornings, we record all my pieces for worship (except the sermon) and upload to the Google drive for our tech people to work their magic. Then Wednesdays we have Zoom staff meetings, meetings with people, and every Wednesday at 5 p.m. our Genesis (leaders) Team meets. Lately I’ve also been bringing greetings to Soul Station at 6:30 p.m. Once a week I lead “Who’s With Me Tonight?” on Facebook.

My goal for Thursday mornings is to finish, record and upload my sermon. Then I answer emails that have been unattended for a couple of days and do some more reading and writing. Friday is my day off. I begin it with writing this weekly email but then try to leave work alone for the rest of the day. Saturdays and Sundays are filled with worship planning for the next Sunday, phone calls and other catching up. On Sunday afternoons our family gets together for play time and food.

Because I serve on a local nonprofit board, I’ve recently been involved on a search committee for a new CEO. I’m also on a couple of Desert Southwest Conference committees that meet via Zoom.

The rhythm of work and daily life is different now, but the tasks of ministry are the same. More time, though, is devoted to thinking about and planning for the future, working on this myself or with the other pastors and leaders. I always love to make time to talk with people who are struggling or hurting, and to connect by phone or Zoom just to see how you are. I’m looking forward to resuming “Coffee With the Pastor” at 11 a.m. this Sunday, 8/9 on Zoom.

I continue to be so grateful for our church’s leaders, staff and pastors. This time has required new ways of thinking, praying, planning and working together. Everyone has risen to the occasion, which has been a joy to watch.

Please continue to pray for us pastors, as I pray for you every day. God is with us. We are not alone. Thanks be to God!

Blessings, Sharon

P.S. This Sunday, Aug. 9, we begin a new series, “What Do These Words Mean?” We’ll talk about “Incarnation.” “See” you in worship!
