God’s guiding presence and love amidst constant change




Perhaps you’ve heard me say this little joke before – the only person who truly likes change is a baby with a wet diaper. There are some changes I do like. I like periodically rearranging furniture in the house. When my grown children have opportunities for changes with jobs or interests, I love watching them grow and change. It’s great to see our grandsons develop and change.

Every morning I open the patio door and look left at my little herb and flower garden and see what changes the past day has brought. The parsley takes over quickly and new flowers are often ready to open, especially this time of year.

One of the great joys from our recent trip to Israel is seeing people’s new insights about the Bible and their faith after walking in the land of Jesus. Just this week two people made similar comments like “this Bible passage means so much to me after being in the Holy Land.” Their lives have changed because of taking the risk to go on the journey.

This year in worship our focus is on Connecting to God and One Another. In this Easter season our theme is Connecting to Our Past…History of Our Faith. How did we get to be followers of Jesus in 2018? Our lives and faith are built upon the risks and changes of God’s people from the time of Abraham and Sarah until now. Many people have listened to God’s voice to “Go there and tell about me” or “turn your lives back toward me” or “move from where you are – either geographically or physically – in order to know my love better, and share it.”  In these weeks we’re going to learn a bit about how God has brought us to this day and time.

We’re about to go through a big change in our church office. After six and a half years of faithful service, Kandy Delk has resigned from her position as Administrative Associate, in order to move to be near family. She’ll be in the office a few more weeks, and we wish her very well in her new adventures, even though we’ll miss her greatly.

A constant in times of change is God’s guiding presence and abundant love. Sometimes God turns us in the direction God wants us to go, and we may not always like that change. But God is with us, as God has been with his people all through time. And never let’s go of us.

Blessings, Sharon
