Honor the Fallen

Do you have great plans for this weekend? It is Memorial Day, after all. It’s the first weekend of the summer, the first weekend school is no longer in session. It’s not too hot yet, still cool enough to crank up the grill. But it’s hot enough to swim and have water games in the backyard with the neighbors.

At the heart of the weekend, however, is a remembrance. We remember those who lost their lives while in military service. We give thanks for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

As a high school and college student, I seriously considered joining the Air Force as a Chaplain. I met with a Chaplain at Moody Air Force Base, just north of my home. I considered what it meant to serve and whether this was my calling. Ultimately, I chose not to do so, but I have always appreciated those who have answered the call to serve our country in this way. While war and conflicts continue in this world, we will continue to ask for those who are willing to serve. I give thanks for those who don the uniform as my grandfather and uncle did, and many of you have done.

I am grateful to be United Methodist because of our stance on war and military service. While we deplore war and “yearn for the day when there will be no more war and people will live together in peace and justice,” we also honor and support those who choose military service.

Our Social Principles state this:
“The church supports and guides those who serve in the military; those who are conscientious objectors; veterans living with physical, psychological, spiritual, and moral injury; and families of people affected by military service. We urge the church to care and work for systemic justice for all people affected by war, and to advocate for peacemaking and nonviolent conflict transformation in global and local conflicts.”
(this section is found in the Social Principles, beginning on page 34, found here.

This weekend, as you celebrate the end of school and the beginning of summer, pause to give thanks for those who died in service to our country.

See you soon.
Pastor Lynn

Additional note:
With the school shooting this week, I wanted to share something profound as a response. However, I can’t find words. Columbine, Sandy Hook, now this. When will gun violence end? When will we stop hearing of innocent people killed at school, at church, at the grocery store? When will we say enough?

I don’t have words. I don’t offer easy platitudes. I don’t know what the best course of action is. At the moment, I will share the UMC stance on gun violence. You can read more about our stance here.

Join me in prayer for the families and victims. Then join me in demanding action by those who are in a position to do something.


  • 8:30 a.m. Traditional service in Sanctuary and child care in Rm 15
  • 10 a.m. Traditional service in Sanctuary
  • 10 a.m. Youth and children’s Sunday School and child care (except fifth Sundays, so none May 29)
  • 10 a.m. Livestream premieres on YouTube and Website

To access our livestream service:

  • From the main menu on our website click “Worship.”  -OR-
  • Go to YouTube and search for UMC St. Mark’s Oro Valley or use this link.
