It’s Summer!

It’s SUMMER!! The summers of my childhood included fireflies and 4-H camp at Cherry Lake and camping with my parents and grandparents and climbing trees on the (literal) back 40 acres. Down the road from our house, across from the neighbor with the roping pens, was a neighbor who planted rows and rows of blueberries. I can remember picking berries in the summer on his bushes, eating and enjoying as many as we could pick. I also remember lots of homemade ice cream… mmmmmm….

Here in Arizona, our summers have included trips to splash pads and swimming pools, summer camp, and lots of movies. When the kids were little, we did summer movie programs and we went to the dollar theater in Mesa. Lots of movies to distract the kids when we were stuck inside to escape the heat!

This summer, we are spending time in worship focused on a particular movie, Inside Out. I’ve enjoyed the comparison with our emotions and the prophets that we find in the Bible. I’ve loved how many of you have let me know you watched the movie when you saw it on television in this last month. Five of us recently watched the sequel to the movie, Inside Out 2, to plan for our Fifth Sunday worship this week. I’m looking forward to Sunday sharing some of the lessons from it, without the spoilers!

No matter what your summer brings, I pray that you don’t forget about church. Our air conditioning works well! Soul Station and Marksmen will feed you so you don’t have to cook! Friends are gathered for crafting or for study. Markaritas are playing Bunco. Lots to do, and many ways to connect!

See you in worship Sunday as we explore the story of Ruth and Naomi and the new emotions from Inside Out 2 in our Family Worship services.

See you soon,
Pastor Lynn
