Reflections on Annual Conference 

Reflections on Annual Conference

Along with others from St. Mark’s, I’m at the meeting of the Desert Southwest Annual Conference in Glendale, AZ. This is … well … the annual meeting of clergy and lay members from the 140 churches in our Conference to do business, worship and learn together, commission and ordain clergy, elect delegates to General Conference 2020, and much more. Along with our lay members Don Booth, Mark Hrabe, and Kelly Deyoe, about a dozen others from St. Mark’s are here to participate in, and observe, Annual Conference.

Joys of Annual Conference

  • Getting to be part of the Board of Ordained Ministry, welcoming new clergy into our Conference;
  • getting better acquainted with Pastor Stuart Salvatierra, who will be serving as St. Mark’s Associate Pastor as of July 1, 2018, and introducing him to others from our church;
  • seeing the larger church at work, wrestling with difficult topics respectfully, and learning together;
  • sharing laughter, learning, and food with others from St. Mark’s.

Wondering about Annual Conference

  • With diverse views and opinions on many subjects, can the hundreds at this Annual Conference model respect and honesty as we talk together? I believe we are, and can.
  • Can we let God lead us, put our hearts and hands into the arms of God, and move into God’s future? I believe we are, and can.

St. Mark’s is a strong church that is leading in many ways in our Conference. Can we continue to let God teach and guide us―our church and the wider United Methodist Church―into an amazing future? Yes, we can.

Blessings, Sharon

P.S. This Sunday, June 17, Summer Fun will focus on Pets … connect with each other over the tables in the courtyard, and share stories and information about our animal companions. The message will continue our Connecting with Jesus … the Power of Hope.
