Summer Is Coming!

May 22, 2024
By Tricia Chester, guest blogger

Can you feel it? There’s something in the air telling us that “Summer Is Coming!” More than the pollen, more than gradual decrease in traffic, and more than the early itchings of “summer-itis” (the decreasing motivation to do the mundane necessary things of life/work/school paired with the increasing anticipation of fun summer plans). While it’s not yet hot enough to feel the blast of oven-hot air every time you step outside, we know that Summer Is Coming!

The first few years I worked in the church office, summer was always s l o w. We saved non-urgent projects to fill the anticipated empty time in the office. But that hasn’t been true for the past several summers! And it won’t be true this summer, either.

Make sure you stay tuned to all the events and happenings taking place on our campuses this summer. Invite a friend to worship, to June 16th’s Hymn Sing or to another fun event. Share our facebook posts and events and interact with them. Let the office know if your recurring group or committee meeting is stopping over the summer, moving to zoom, or continuing as usual. Take a walk with On Your Mark’s walking group or play pickleball on a Wednesday morning. Sign up to volunteer with Vacation Bible School or Music Camp… See? There is so much to do this summer!

If you click the image above, it will take you to the Vacation Bible School page on our website (new website coming soon!) where you can register for Camp Firelight and/or Light It Up! Both camps are filling up fast, though we still need the support and help of adult and teen volunteers. Talk to Julie (Camp Firelight) or Jane (Light It Up) to see how you can help.

See you soon, in the office, in worship, or at a fun event,

