Tell the Next Generation

“We will tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done.” Psalm 78:4

Who are those people in your life who have told you about God’s glorious deeds? Maybe they’ve told you by their words or more likely by their actions. Who has called you outside to see the full moon or awakened you to see the pink and purple sunrise? Who has held your hand in a time of distress, assuring you by that hand-holding of God’s presence? Who has been willing to help you when others walked by, embodying the might of God?

This Sunday we celebrate All Saints’ Day and remember those who told and showed us the deeds of God. Perhaps some of the saints in your life are still on this earth, and you can celebrate them in person.

There are those in our country who mourn deeply this week, having lost loved ones to violence and tragedy. We are called to live and tell about the healing and wondrous might of God, and are never to be part of spreading hatred, untruths, division, harm or pain. Sometimes we sin and say or do something that causes pain to God or others, and then must repent and turn back to God’s ways.

You know all this. Live as people who are telling the glorious and mighty deeds of God. So we pray: Deep within us, O God, we know that your mighty love will prevail in our world. Yet we cry out to you in anger and distress. Hold our hands, comfort those who mourn, ease angry hearts, and help us make wise choices as we vote, speak and act in your holy name. Amen.

Blessings,  Sharon
