The Meaning of Power

“We lost power during that storm.” “Our internet doesn’t have enough power.” “That person is such a powerful speaker.” Think of all the ways we use the word “power.” That’s our word for this Sunday, Oct. 11, as part of our “Hard Words” series for October. Be sure to join us for worship here on our website under, UMC St. Mark’s Oro Valley on YouTube or St. Mark’s Tucson on Facebook.

What kind of power does God give you and me to live as followers of Jesus? God’s Spirit was poured out upon Jesus’ early followers long ago and continues to live in and around us, giving us the power – the strength, courage, guidance and inspiration to do all kinds of things that show God’s love to the world.

We choose to let God’s Spirit guide us and use our power to:
• help those who are hungry by bringing food to church for the Interfaith Community Services Food Bank from 10-11 a.m. Tuesdays and Saturdays in the north parking lot. Other mission projects are coming up soon.
• help all our church’s ministries – worship, missions, caring for our campus, paying staff – by giving to our church. You can give online at, or mail your gift to 1431 W. Magee Road, Tucson AZ 85704. The last three months our expenses have exceeded our giving even though we’re spending carefully.
• join me in prayer as we make decisions about how and when to begin in-person worship. Outside? Inside? November? December? We have power to make choices and are prayerfully taking many things into consideration.
• live daily as an intentional follower of Jesus, asking yourself, “Is what I’m saying or doing the most loving thing?” and, “Do my words or actions help or hurt in these challenging times?” You and I have the Spirit of Christ and his power and love to guide us.

Blessings, Sharon

P.S. Have you experienced a kindness or some help from a member of our staff while our buildings have been closed these last months? Send me an email to let me know your experience.
