This is Pentecost

Guest Writer: Rev. Dr. Evy McDonald

This Sunday is Pentecost and it is a time of revival and celebration. It is the day we, as Christians, mark the fulfillment of a promise Jesus gave to the disciples. He told them to go to Jerusalem and wait for the gift he spoke about. He reminded them that John baptized with water but they would be baptized with the Holy Spirit.

We do not know how long it was between Jesus’ ascension and this moment in time. What we do know is that they were faithful in their waiting, even though they were not sure exactly what would happen.

When it did happen, a revival took place. Hearts opened, reality shifted and scripture tells us that in a short period, 3,000 or more people were added to the number of faithful. The Spirit was on the move and so it is today.

The promise made to those first disciples was not limited to their time; it has been for all generations and for those to come. It is for us today. Most everyone reading this has been baptized by water but what does it mean to be baptized by the Holy Spirit? In the United Methodist Church at every baptism, we pray for the Holy Spirit to bless the gift of water and those who receive it. After the individual has been baptized with the water, the pastor lays hands upon the head and says: May the Holy Spirit work within you that being born through water and Spirit, you may be a faithful disciple of Christ Jesus.

Is that it? I believe that the Pentecost story in Acts 2 and John 20 tells us there is more. The Holy Spirit is not contained in a nice, neat package. It is fire and wind and sound and the quiet hush of Jesus’ breath breathing a new power into a scared group of disciples who then go out and change the world.

What if we had a Pentecost, Holy Spirit revival on Sunday? Come and let’s see just what the Holy Spirit might be up to.

Oh, and we wear red because it is the color of Pentecost. It is both a celebration and a reminder that our hearts are set on fire for Jesus so we can continue his work in today’s world.

See you Sunday,
Pastor Evy



  • 8:30 a.m. Traditional service in Sanctuary and child care in Rm 15
  • 10 a.m. Traditional service in Sanctuary and child care in Rm 15
  • 10 a.m. Youth and children’s Sunday School and child care (except fifth Sundays)
  • 10 a.m. Livestream premieres on YouTube and Website

To access our livestream service:

  • From the main menu on our website click “Worship.”  -OR-
  • Go to YouTube and search for UMC St. Mark’s Oro Valley or use this link.
