
Recently I felt frustrated that I don’t seem to know my way around town. I had to look up how to get to my kids’ school from where I was. I was disoriented because roads change names and I was driving a different direction than usual, and I couldn’t picture where I was. I felt like I should know this by now!

I’ve felt that often lately. I can’t find a pen. I knew where it was in the old house but can’t find it here. We can’t seem to figure out where to put backpacks so they are accessible for homework but not on the kitchen table. In the old house we had hooks right there; they don’t work as well here. I ask someone where they live and they tell me a neighborhood I’ve never heard of. I should know all of this by now! We should have it worked out already!

My spiritual director reminded me that things take time. Six weeks is not enough time to know everything I need to know and have routines in place. While my body and my stuff may be here, the conscience and the spirit take a little more time to adjust to new norms and a new reality.

As we go back to school, as you prepare to return to the desert from your cooler home away from here, as you get used to a new diagnosis or new medications, give yourself a little grace. There is a time for everything under the sun, but moving between those times is not instantaneous. Just think of the Israelites wandering in the desert for 40 years. Their move from Egypt to the Promised Land wasn’t quick. While I hope we don’t take 40 years to get settled into our new reality, we can take a little more time than we think we need. One day we can look back and realize how far we’ve come!

We are offering two options to Meet the Pastor this week, on Sunday after each worship service. There are other things that happen then, so please don’t skip your small group just to come meet me! However, if you aren’t busy, come join us! I’ll talk a lot about myself so you can get to know me, and I’ll answer any questions you might have for me. We will offer another chance Aug. 23 on Zoom. (Note the date change; I’m going to Meet the [high schooler’s] Teacher on the originally scheduled night!)

In the meantime, embrace the transition times and be gracious to yourself!

See you soon!
Pastor Lynn

Three ways to access our pre-recorded service:

  • From the main menu on our website click “Worship.”
  • Go to YouTube and search for UMC St. Mark’s Oro Valley or use this link.
  • The YouTube link will also be shared on Facebook St. Mark’s UMC Tucson or use this link.

The service will go live at 9:45 a.m.
