We Are Blessed

What a wonderful Easter Sunday worship! It capped off a very moving and meaningful Holy Week in a fabulous way. Thank you to ALL the choirs, ushers, youth, and EVERYONE who volunteered in some way or another. We are blessed! While attendance numbers aren’t everything, our attendance at our three services are nearly back to 2019 attendance.

We now enter the liturgical season of Eastertide. We celebrate the Risen Christ each Sunday as we come to worship. This week– Holy Humor Sunday! This tradition goes back to some of the earliest Christian theologians who noted that God played a practical joke on the devil by raising Jesus from the dead. Easter was “God’s supreme joke played on death.” So the Sunday after Easter became a “bright Sunday” filled with joy and laughter as people played jokes on each other, sang, danced, told jokes and had fun. Our service this week features a lighthearted feel with a sprinkling of jokes, all geared to help us experience joy more fully as we worship God together. Bring your best (rated-G) joke to share! And plan to stay for ice cream sundaes at the Sanctuary campus!

In addition, we will hold a Town Hall meeting on Sunday to talk about our time with Ministry Architects in the last 18 months. Details are below.

Hope to see you Sunday!
Pastor Lynn
