Jesus:  “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”  John 10:10

Jesus did not mean that he came to bring us unending riches and material wealth. He did not mean that life would always be rosy or without suffering. He did not mean that all our wishes would be fulfilled or our wants realized.

What Jesus did mean is revealed to us again and again in Scripture—that by deciding to follow him, learn from his life and words, and let him into our hearts, his life of peace, hope, and joy would be poured out upon us. As we embark on 2020 and our worship series, Words for Life, we will be guided by Jesus’ longing for us to enter into the abundant life he offers.

We’re going to begin with a four-week series on Making Sense of the Bible and start this week by talking about What the Bible Is and Is Not. Some people think the Bible is like an owner’s manual for your car or like a game of Magic 8 Ball, or a book of promises. The Bible is actually deeper and richer than that. Come and be part of this journey into Words for Life, in which we’ll draw from the Bible and our Christian faith.

On Sunday, Jan. 12, we’ll also have new Worship Guides for Jan. 12—April 12, 2020.  You can pick one up on the narthex (church entry) table on your way in or out of worship. Also, the Worship Guide can be accessed by clicking RESOURCES from the main menu of the website

Please be sure to read my back-page article from the January 8, 2020 Messenger. This gives you some current and accurate information about the recent publicity regarding the United Methodist Church. You will also find links to other accurate information in my article. Much publicity has gone out since the Protocol of Reconciliation & Grace Through Separation was released last week. Not all of it is accurate or helpful, so the Messenger back page may help inform you.

I look forward to this year with thanksgiving and joy!

Blessings, Sharon


