A Prayer for Health

Colds…flu….sinus infections….headaches….more colds…this winter has been a challenging one for some in our family and in our church family. Just when it seemed like we were well, someone got a runny nose, sore throat and cough. The thing about illness is that it becomes all-consuming and keeps me from doing the very important things I’d planned to do!

Sometimes it is true that illness zaps my energy and strength so that it’s harder to do truly important things like plan for worship, write sermons and provide leadership. I think, though, that illness can be a wakeup call to stop, listen, and pay attention to our bodies and our spirits. Right now we’re getting a lot of good information about tips for preventing illness (especially coronavirus). I want to offer another tip, a way to stop, listen and pray, with this “prayer for health.”

Creator God, we give you thanks for life and breath and all the ways you bless us and are with us. Today we pray for those who are struggling with their health. We bring to you those who are coping with life-threatening illnesses, with cancers and other diseases. Take away their pain of body and spirit and bring healing to them.  We earnestly pray for all those who are sick with serious illnesses. Bring healing to them.  

Then, O God, we pray for all those with colds, coughs and other illnesses that sap our strength and keep us from serving you as we desire. Take away these illnesses so that we can be well.  Strengthen and heal all those who are struggling. We earnestly pray for this.

We give you thanks, O God, for nurses, doctors and other health professionals who care for others and sometimes risk their own health. We are very grateful for them and ask that you protect and strengthen them so they can serve you and others. 

Finally, God, we pray to stay well. We want to be well so we can come to church to worship you, go to work and school, and be in rooms with others we know and don’t yet know.  Help us be wise in our precautions about illness and not overreact to information we hear or see.  Give us discerning hearts that are guided by you and your love.  All our thanks and praise is lifted to you, O God, in thanksgiving for life itself and in hope for all to be well. In Jesus’ name.  Amen. 

This Sunday, March 8, we continue our focus in worship on Cry of Our Hearts with a message about Sorrow and Comfort. Remember, you can worship in the Sanctuary at our traditional 8:15 and 9:45 a.m. services.  Then, Lent Alive! (9:45 a.m.) and the Gathering (11:15 a.m.) are modern services in Fellowship Hall.  Our St. Mark’s Dove Mountain service is at 10:00 a.m.  You can also livestream the 9:45 a.m. sanctuary service using this link.  

Blessings, Sharon

