Author Archives: Office


With Us Always
in Pastor's Weekly Message

With Us Always

  Jesus said, “Remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”  Matthew 28:20b There are times when I wish Jesus wasn’t with me.  When I’m impatient or crabby or irritable or...

July 13, 2018
Won't You Be My Neighbor?
in Pastor's Weekly Message

Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

One of the most touching moments in the movie Won’t You Be My Neighbor? about Fred Rogers is the replay of a 1981 episode of Roger’s famous “Neighborhood” TV show in which ten-year old Jeff...

July 06, 2018
The Bread of New Life
in Pastor's Weekly Message

The Bread of New Life

The Bread of New Life In Arizona, this is the season of “picking up the mesquite pods” that fall from the tree.  Morning and evening, I pick up pods to try to keep up with...

June 29, 2018
Go and Do Likewise
in Pastor's Weekly Message

Go and Do Likewise

Jesus said to the man, “Which of these three, do you think, was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?” He said, “The one who showed him mercy.” Jesus...

June 22, 2018
With Us in the Worst of Times
in Pastor's Weekly Message

With Us in the Worst of Times

  Wound Specialist   “They just can’t get that wound to heal.” Sometimes it’s hard to heal a wound. That’s why we have wound specialists, people who know the right treatments to encourage the body...

June 08, 2018
Giving into Temptations
in Pastor's Weekly Message

Giving into Temptations

Giving into Temptations Growing up in a middle class neighborhood in a Detroit suburb, I was an easy target for taunting because I was small and skinny, loved to read and do well in school,...

June 01, 2018
in Pastor's Weekly Message

What Does This Mean?!

“What Does This Mean?!” “What does this mean?”  Acts 2:12 The people looked around and saw and heard things that were confusing and even a little frightening. Unknown to most of them on the street,...

May 18, 2018