Pastor’s Blog

September 25, 2020


Three months ‘til Christmas! That’s sobering, isn’t it? How much has changed since last Christmas? How could we have anticipated all the ways we’d be upended this year? When I began last fall to plan...

Info and a Prayer
September 18, 2020

Info and a Prayer

We often think of repentance as something that requires a dramatic turning of our lives – an about-face. Sometimes that’s true. On Sunday, Sept. 20, I’ll be talking about another perspective on repentance as part...

September 11, 2020


I woke up this morning with grace on my mind. Grace is undeserved, unearned love that is showered upon us. Most often we think of God’s grace poured out on us, but as Jesus’ followers...

Labor Day
September 04, 2020

Labor Day

When I was growing up outside Detroit, Labor Day weekend was the last gasp of summer. School always began the day after Labor Day, so the weekend was full of barbecues, family gatherings, remembering the...

August 28, 2020


Before our family moved to Tucson in 1994, we lived in Racine, Wisconsin, for 12 years. Racine is just north of Kenosha and just south of Milwaukee, all on Lake Michigan, with picturesque shorelines dotted...

Time For a Prayer
August 21, 2020

Time For a Prayer

Many things ought to get done today. My stack of “to-do” post-it notes has grown and needs to be addressed. There are home tasks to be completed and work to be done to plan for...

August 14, 2020


It’s no secret that most of us have been at home a lot these last few months. While some people have found this easy, others of us long to be out and about, among people....

A Typical Day?
August 07, 2020

A Typical Day?

Most days begin for me with prayer, stretches for my legs and back, a cup of hot green tea and going through emails. Maybe you’ve wondered about “a day in the life” of your lead...

July 31, 2020


First, a prayer: Holy God, we give you thanks for life and breath, for beauty and your tender mercies shown to us even in these turbulent times. Help us find you as a source of...

July 24, 2020


“Continue to love one another. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.” Hebrews 13:1-2 My mother, Donna, lived this Bible verse to its...