Pastor’s Blog

Making Choices
April 05, 2019

Making Choices

From time to time I like to take time to think about all the choices I make throughout the day. Right now I’m choosing to sit by the west-facing kitchen window, looking out over the...

Waiting in Expectation
March 31, 2019

Waiting in Expectation

“In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.” —Psalm 5:3 Every new day is a gift from God, a chance to...

A Word for Today
March 22, 2019

A Word for Today

A bit of history—in the 1700’s in England John Wesley was a priest in the Church of England who noticed that the church seemed more concerned about itself than about truly connecting with God and...

All Shall Be Well
March 15, 2019

All Shall Be Well

Many times over the last few weeks I have thought of the phrase “All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well…” from the writings of Julian...

March 08, 2019


When my children were young they watched a cartoon TV show that had many characters, including Murky Dismal and his driver, Lurky. They lived in a part of the kingdom called the “Pits” and Murky’s...

Psalm 23
March 01, 2019

Psalm 23

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” For centuries – long before you or me or John Wesley or even Jesus – this Psalm of King David has brought strength and comfort to...

February 22, 2019


What choices will you make today? What to eat for breakfast and what to wear? How to get some exercise on a rainy day? Some choices we make often and easily. How about how to...

Do Onto Others
February 15, 2019

Do Onto Others

Before I became United Methodist in my late twenties and began to study the Bible, I thought that the Golden Rule was simply part of our culture and not in the Bible. There are words...

Famous Passages
February 08, 2019

Famous Passages

When I was in seminary I spent a semester as a student chaplain at a large medical center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. As students, we were often on call during the night so I usually slept...

Lost Things
February 01, 2019

Lost Things

This week I lost several things. First, my office and house keys went missing. Then my pink spiral notebook disappeared. In this I keep all of life’s important notes like who to call and who...