Pastor’s Weekly Message

Mar 2023
'All in,' But Which Way?

At last Sunday’s Town Hall meeting about the potential merger with Sanctuary UMC, we were asked why a merger and why not just a shared ministry, a partnering, a cooperative model. This is an excellent question. After all, to merge or adopt or acquire or absorb another church means some pretty significant changes to St. Mark’s. We would take on their debt (they don’t have any, just a two-year lease on a building). We would have other voices at the table for all of our committees. We would have additional missions projects......

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Welcome to Lent!

Welcome to Lent!

This is our first Sunday in Lent. Lent began with Ash Wednesday this week and continues until Easter Sunday. It’s 40 days, plus Sundays. This season, we invite you to read through the Gospel...

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Several times over the last few weeks, I have been in discussions with people who ask about advertising and about reaching new people. Let me share with you some best practices and some reminders...

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Town Hall Meeting

Town Hall Meeting

What is our mission field? In worship a few weeks ago, Kelly Deyoe invited us to consider witnessing about our faith to other people. This is an important habit and spiritual discipline for every...

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The Trinity

The Trinity

Thank you, church, for being the church. As Kelly Deyoe shared in worship last week, God calls ALL of us to be the hands and feet of Christ. We share with others about Jesus...

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