God’s Spirit Waters Our Souls

Dry desert. Heat. Clouds. What is that sound on the roof? Rain!! Some hard rains and displays of sound and lightning have shown up in our hot, dry desert this monsoon season. When that happens it is as if something that has been tight and anxious in me begins to relax and smile and rest in the sound of the rain.

The rain in the desert comes like God’s Spirit comes into our lives during dry and difficult, or frustrating or lonely times. What is that sound upon our hearts? The rain of the Spirit comes when we hear a song, or a prayer, or a Word from Scripture or in a sermon, or in conversation with friends, or in Holy Communion. It is a main reason that we worship, pray, and study Scripture, so that the touch and the power of God’s Spirit can wash over us. We are strengthened by the Spirit, and given new energy to grow, and serve.

God’s Spirit rained upon 80 people at Wednesday night’s Praying for Peace service in our Sanctuary. We heard three people share from “Three Simple Rules” by Ruben Job, and we sang and prayed. The three simple rules from John Wesley are do no harm, do good, and stay in love with God. As we heard Mark Hrabe, and Pastors Evy and Stuart speak, God’s Spirit rained on my heart with a gentle touch, smoothed over dry places, and inspired me to live more fully in God’s way.

For the next three Sundays, beginning July 22, our focus in worship will be “Connecting to the Holy Spirit.” You will have the chance to hear Pastor Evy, Pastor Stuart and me over these next three weeks.

In worship God’s Spirit comes like refreshing rain, and waters our souls. See you in church!

Blessings, Sharon
