
Aug 2019
Working Together

What about work? I have people around me who are retired and say they no longer work but they volunteer at all kinds of places, work part-time, help children and grandchildren and say “I’m busier now than when I ‘worked’!” I also know people who devote countless hours to paying jobs or caring for children. Students spend their time on school work. If you’ve watched children you know how hard they work at playing. What about working with others? While some of our work is by ourselves, much is with others. As......

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Recently I visited in the hospital with an older man while his wife was having a medical procedure. I didn’t know them well so asked, “Do you have any family around here?” He replied,...

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In Philippians 4, the Apostle Paul writes: “I have learned to be content with whatever I have.” In Greek that word content carries with it the sense of being grateful. Honestly, I must admit...

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Over the past week, my Facebook “memories” have shown me wonderful monsoon-centered videos of my nephew as he plays in the rain at all stages of his life. Watching a two year-old, who is...

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Faith in...

Faith in…

Faith in….? Yesterday our church shared a booth with Sanctuary UMC at the Marana Star Spangled Spectacular, a big July 4th festival with music, food, booths and fireworks. We had items to give away – glow...

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Life Is Challenging

Life Is Challenging

Life has many challenges. That’s no secret. Yesterday Art and I were talking about chronic illnesses and how those change and challenge peoples’ lives. There is much that causes anxiety and uncertainty in our...

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Golden Calf


“I just worship that guy.”  “I worship the ground she walks on.”  When we use the word “worship” what do we mean?  Perhaps we mean that we spend a lot of time with what...

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“Perhaps we’ll get through the debate on this resolution quickly and get on to dinner early!” “I DOUBT IT!!” That doubt proved to be true. Pastor Stuart and I are at the meeting of...

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