Pray for Veterans Today and Always

By Rev. Lynn Bartlow, Lead Pastor

This weekend we observe Veterans’ Day, a day to honor those who served in our armed forces. Here at St. Mark’s we have several World War 2 veterans, as well as those from many of the other conflicts and wars the US has been involved in. We also have multiple people who serve veterans through their healthcare system.

We give thanks for those who have served this country in uniform. Sunday, we invite you to wear your red-white-blue to worship. The Magee Campus will have a special Veterans’ Day song and prayer.

Even more than a one-day observance, I invite you to pray for those veterans who face the effects of their service. The Veterans Health Administration has 9 million enrolled patients. Each soldier has their own effects from their service, from trauma-related illnesses to illnesses related to radiation and mustard gas contact to illnesses from chemical warfare. We also understand more about the effects of military service on mental health and the realities of PTSD (THIS is an interesting website if you want to see the known effects soldiers can face based on their time served). We can pray for those who face each day with their scars from service, both visible and invisible.

I pray for the day that we don’t need soldiers to serve and protect us, but I know that day will likely never come in my lifetime. After all, there have been wars and rumors of wars since Bible days. I still pray for peace and for each day to be more peace-filled than the one before, while giving thanks for those who sacrifice for our freedoms. Thank a veteran today, and every day!

See you soon!
Pastor Lynn

• 8:30 and 10 a.m. Traditional service in Magee Campus sanctuary and child care in Rm 15
• 10 a.m. Modern service at Sanctuary Campus
• 10 a.m. Magee Campus youth and children’s Sunday School (except fifth Sundays) and child care
• 10 a.m. Traditional service livestream premieres on YouTube and Website

Worship online at 10 a.m. on Sundays at or YouTube UMC St. Mark’s AZ. You can also watch the service at a later time.
