
I’m starting to feel at home in Tucson. The monsoons have started, and the humidity levels have moved us to feeling more like home in Florida rather than an oven! I’m grateful for the moisture that our parched land so desperately needs and invite you to join me as I pray that this monsoon season can help bring an end to our drought.

In Illinois, we gave thanks for the rain that would water the corn and soybeans.

Much younger, my kids gave thanks for rain to play in with yellow rain boots and yellow rain jackets.

But giving thanks for rain doesn’t really capture the entire story. As with so many things in life, one event leads to another. In Flagstaff, the rain has brought flooding to a part of town that has been on alert since a fire a few years ago removed vegetation and trees that would slow the progression of the water down the mountain. The videos posted on Facebook are unbelievable to see – trash cans and Prius cars alike rushing down the hill in the river of rainwater is something you don’t wish to see!

Be careful out there as the rains come. I invite you to give thanks for the rain that is such a blessing, but remember the rest of the story and pray for those who are adversely affected by the monsoons. Pray for Flagstaff and especially the Upper Greenlaw and Sunnyside neighborhoods. Pray for our unhoused neighbors who find shelter as they can to escape the rain. Pray for our firefighters who are on alert for lightning-caused fires. Pray for our farmers whose crops are thirsty for a light, steady rain but may receive rain that beats them down. Pray for monsoons and for the entire story.

See you soon.
Pastor Lynn

Three ways to access our pre-recorded service:

  • From the main menu on our website click WORSHIP
  • Go to YouTube and search for UMC St. Mark’s Oro Valley or use this link.
  • The YouTube link will also be shared on Facebook St. Mark’s UMC Tucson or use this link.

The service will go live at 9:45 a.m.
