
“The word of Christ must live in you richly. Teach and warn each other with all wisdom by singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Sing to God with gratitude in your hearts.” Colossians 3:16 (Common English Bible)

I’ve been thinking about teachers who have impacted my life, and what they have in common. As I remember those who have influenced me, here’s what I think they have in common:

  • Teaching is a calling for them, not a job. They long to pass on knowledge and careful thinking and wisdom.
  • They are committed to constantly learning, humbly believing that they always have more growth ahead of them.
  • They believe they do have important things to share, whether that’s about the Bible or history or flying an airplane.
  • They give generously of themselves, and sometimes get tired or burned out because of the demands of teaching in our times.

Many of those who have taught and helped me grow in my Christian faith are Christians, but some are not. This reinforces my belief that “the word of Christ” dwells in all kinds of people—that God uses many different types of people to accomplish what God wants, which is that God wants us to love life, care for one another, follow Jesus, and keep taking the “word of God” into our lives, for our whole lives.

What do you recall about teachers in your life? Take a moment and give thanks to God for them. This Sunday, October 14, we continue our series on Connecting Our Lives to God…Our Work and Our Faith, with a message on The Power of Teaching. Also, we’ll receive a large group of new members and honor our Early Childhood Center staff.

See you in church!

Blessings, Sharon
