Pastor’s Blog

A Grateful Heart
November 15, 2019

A Grateful Heart

What’s it like when you meet someone who has a grateful heart and way of life? They may not always agree with you or even get annoyed or grumpy sometimes, but most of the time...

Small Things
November 08, 2019

Small Things

Do you remember having a necklace or paperweight that had a tiny mustard seed encased in glass? It was a reminder of Jesus’ words in Matthew 17:20,”truly I tell you, if you have faith the...

Seasons Change
November 06, 2019

Seasons Change

As I’m praying this morning, I’m reading the names of the 32 people from our church who have died this past year. For all their loved ones, the seasons of life changed this year as...

How Big is God’s Love?
October 25, 2019

How Big is God’s Love?

Think of big things. The Grand Canyon. Blue sky in Arizona. Ocean off San Diego.  Mountains. Think of other big things like a seven foot basketball player, a field of sunflowers, a huge dog or...

Increase in love
October 18, 2019

Increase in love

“May the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, just as we abound in love for you.”  I Thessalonians 3:12 We all know there are many kinds of...

October 11, 2019


Giants!  If you had to choose someone right now, who would you say is a “giant” in our world today? If we were to take a poll I imagine we would have many different answers...

October 04, 2019


Thoughts on two subjects this Friday morning: I’ve had the privilege of receiving Holy Communion in many places around our globe.  Over the last 35 years, this has happened as I’ve traveled for vacation, leading...

September 27, 2019


Friday, September 27, 2019 – Later today I travel home from Leadership Institute in Kansas City. I’ve been here since Wednesday afternoon at Church of the Resurrection (COR) with 2500 United Methodists from all over...

Close to God
September 20, 2019

Close to God

Our three-year-old grandson loves to find and look at the moon. He tells us when it is a crescent, an oval and a big round circle. When he’s at our house in the evening, I...

September 13, 2019


Oh, dear. I just realized that it’s Friday the 13th. Oh, my. If I was superstitious I would suddenly be afraid. That knot that means fear would rise in my stomach and I would run...