Pastor’s Weekly Message

Aug 2022
Taking Stock

  With school back in session and summer winding down, programming here at St. Mark’s is beginning to wake up again. This Sunday we will hold our Rally Day—our kids will invite us to cheer for Jesus as they celebrate a return to Sunday School classes for a new year. On Wednesday, Soul Station will resume in person—join us for a meal, communion, and a conversation about intersections of faith and life. The next Wednesday the choirs resume rehearsals—there’s always room for you to join! As we say farewell to summer, we......

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Where do you find community? Our kids are going back to school this week – some started this past week and some are starting next week. In most schools in our area, kids will...

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Vacations! It seems like a whirlwind last six weeks! Since the middle of May, I’ve been out of worship more than I’ve been in worship, and I’ve missed it! I’ve missed gathering with the...

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