Pastor’s Weekly Message

Nov 2018
Those Who Serve

Because I live close to the church, if I have an evening meeting I sometimes come home for a bit in the afternoon to have a snack and read or watch a TV show. Yesterday when I turned on the TV to watch a program on our DVR, I came upon a news conference from southern California. Composed yet visibly shaken, the sheriff from Thousand Oaks, CA, was fielding questions about the tragic shooting in the bar that left twelve people dead. My heart immediately went to the victims and their families.......

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I have been thinking about blessings. For me, blessings are the undeserved outpouring of God’s grace on our lives. Around us today there is so much hateful language, destructive behavior and uncertainty, causing fear...

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Those Who Heal

Those Who Heal

What heals? Medication, surgery, ointment, massage, touch, words, hugs, conversation, prayer, music, exercise? The list can go on and on, of the many ways we experience healing from the physical, emotional, and spiritual aches...

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“The word of Christ must live in you richly. Teach and warn each other with all wisdom by singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Sing to God with gratitude in your hearts.” Colossians 3:16...

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God Speaks

God Speaks

There is an intriguing line in Scripture in I Samuel 3:1 – “The word of the Lord was rare in those days…”  I have sometimes wondered if God went silent because the people consistently...

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Sometimes when people ask me why I like baseball, I tell them it’s because the main idea is to make it home. There’s this sense of satisfaction when my team’s runner takes off from...

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On the Move!

On the Move!

There are times when it is good to stand still. That gives us a chance to listen, to notice, to rest a bit and perhaps regroup. Jesus stopped for times of prayer and quiet....

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