
Oct 2021

As I write this, I’m preparing for vacation. I’m checking off all the tasks I need to do in order to walk away without leaving anything on my to-do list. In reality, I’ve narrowed that list down to the essentials, knowing there are things I should do, but cannot realistically do in one day. As you read this, I am likely on a plane home, back to the desert. I hope I will be able to say our vacation was filled with quality family time with my parents, my two aunts and......

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Sharing Life

Sharing Life

I spent two nights at Mingus Mountain United Methodist Camp this week. Like Pastor Sharon before me, I serve on the Board of Ordained Ministry. I believe it’s my fifth year? Time has escaped...

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Caring for All People

Caring for All People

While I grew up in the United Methodist Church, I made the conscious decision as an adult to remain United Methodist. The denomination has its weaknesses for sure—the US church is mostly white, mostly...

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This week, our worship shifts a bit to the book of James. In August as we sent our kids back to school, we focused on wisdom, learning from Proverbs and Ephesians wise words for...

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Do Good

Do Good

As a parent, I have been watching our nation argue about rights and responsibilities around children wearing masks in school. As a parent of school-aged children, I have joined other parents in feeling dismay...

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Recently I felt frustrated that I don’t seem to know my way around town. I had to look up how to get to my kids’ school from where I was. I was disoriented because...

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