Pastor’s Blog

Taking Stock
August 12, 2022

Taking Stock

  With school back in session and summer winding down, programming here at St. Mark’s is beginning to wake up again. This Sunday we will hold our Rally Day—our kids will invite us to cheer...

August 05, 2022


Where do you find community? Our kids are going back to school this week – some started this past week and some are starting next week. In most schools in our area, kids will have...

The Importance of an Educated Vote
July 29, 2022

The Importance of an Educated Vote

Guest column by Judy Boroto, Church and Society Committee   Spirituality is as much about the public life as it is about personal life: matters of voting for qualified representatives and attending public meetings as...

The Importance of Mentors
July 22, 2022

The Importance of Mentors

Who made an impact in your life? When I was in middle school, I was chosen to have a senior citizen mentor. I don’t know why I was chosen – maybe because my grandparents didn’t...

Caring for the Animals
July 15, 2022

Caring for the Animals

This month in worship, we have been exploring the themes from our Vacation Bible School curriculum. Each scripture passage focuses on one of the stories of food in the Bible. Many of these passages revolve...

Caring for ALL People
July 01, 2022

Caring for ALL People

As you know, the Supreme Court ruled last week in a case that essentially overturned Roe vs. Wade and returned the abortion debate to states rather than the federal government. I mentioned the United Methodist...

June 24, 2022


Vacations! It seems like a whirlwind last six weeks! Since the middle of May, I’ve been out of worship more than I’ve been in worship, and I’ve missed it! I’ve missed gathering with the community...

Pilgrimages and the 'We' Factor
June 17, 2022

Pilgrimages and the ‘We’ Factor

For time immemorial people around the world have gone on pilgrimages. Pilgrimages can take many forms and can serve many purposes. Some pilgrimages are for people to experience something meaningful in a time and place...

A Connectional Denomination
June 10, 2022

A Connectional Denomination

One of the defining characteristics of the United Methodist Church is our commitment to being a connectional church. This connection began with John Wesley, as he recognized the need for an organized system of communication...