Pastor’s Blog

August 27, 2021


This week, our worship shifts a bit to the book of James. In August as we sent our kids back to school, we focused on wisdom, learning from Proverbs and Ephesians wise words for life....

Do Good
August 20, 2021

Do Good

As a parent, I have been watching our nation argue about rights and responsibilities around children wearing masks in school. As a parent of school-aged children, I have joined other parents in feeling dismay as...

August 13, 2021


Recently I felt frustrated that I don’t seem to know my way around town. I had to look up how to get to my kids’ school from where I was. I was disoriented because roads...

Love is ... Sacrifice
August 06, 2021

Love is … Sacrifice

Last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended everyone mask up again, regardless of COVID-19 vaccination status. As you know from watching the news, the Delta variant is spreading quickly through the country,...

July 30, 2021


This week, our family spent a few days outside of San Diego. Between having an unvaccinated tween and our summer move, our family had not gone on a vacation together in a year – unless...

July 23, 2021


We had rain Thursday night at our house. This isn’t actually a new thing – we have been enjoying rain quite often these last few weeks. But this one was different. The thunder, the lightning,...

July 16, 2021


I’m starting to feel at home in Tucson. The monsoons have started, and the humidity levels have moved us to feeling more like home in Florida rather than an oven! I’m grateful for the moisture...

July 09, 2021


As a student at Florida Southern College, I was a Religion major. One of my favorite classes was Prophetic Thought. Dr. Johnson gave us an overview of the prophets and we walked through some of...

Thank You
July 02, 2021

Thank You

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have received so many virtual hugs, handwritten and emailed notes, and even a delicious edible arrangement to welcome me to the community of St. Mark’s. I’m thrilled to...

New Things
June 25, 2021

New Things

A few years ago, as we were finishing a year-long worship series on “A Journey Through the Bible,” we found ourselves in the Book of Revelation in December, during Advent. The thought crossed my mind...