Pastor’s Blog

August 31, 2018


We’re using the word “connecting” a lot this year. Maybe we’ll get tired of it, but I think it’s an important word, and the theme Connecting to God and One Another is important too. Staying...

Relief from Desperation
August 24, 2018

Relief from Desperation

Relief from Desperation Have you ever been in a truly desperate situation? Early this morning I woke from a dream, desperately frightened. In the dream, it was 11:10 a.m. on a Sunday morning, I was...

Risking New Things
August 17, 2018

Risking New Things

Risking New Things In July, as the senior high youth and chaperones were getting ready to embark on their Sierra Service Project mission trip to San Diego, I stood in the Wesley House with them...

August 10, 2018


  Coming…. Tonight, August 10 – begins 5 p.m. – Food Truck Café and Family Water Fun Night!  Great fun for all ages. Sunday, August 12 – Rally Day means new Sunday School classes for...

August 03, 2018

Welcome Home!

Welcome home! Our bags are packed and we’re ready to go. Two weeks ago our bags were packed and all set for our annual family vacation in Lake Tahoe. Lots of our family joined us...

God's Spirit Waters Our Souls
July 20, 2018

God’s Spirit Waters Our Souls

Dry desert. Heat. Clouds. What is that sound on the roof? Rain!! Some hard rains and displays of sound and lightning have shown up in our hot, dry desert this monsoon season. When that happens...

With Us Always
July 13, 2018

With Us Always

  Jesus said, “Remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”  Matthew 28:20b There are times when I wish Jesus wasn’t with me.  When I’m impatient or crabby or irritable or...

Won't You Be My Neighbor?
July 06, 2018

Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

One of the most touching moments in the movie Won’t You Be My Neighbor? about Fred Rogers is the replay of a 1981 episode of Roger’s famous “Neighborhood” TV show in which ten-year old Jeff...

June 29, 2018

The Bread of New Life

The Bread of New Life In Arizona, this is the season of “picking up the mesquite pods” that fall from the tree.  Morning and evening, I pick up pods to try to keep up with...